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Astral and Dream Disabilities(아스트랄과 꿈 장애)

Astral and Dream Disabilities, the Shadow and Attachments Shadow Body Projection: D-3 Mental Body, D-4 Astral Body and D-5 Soul Body projection and their resulting “OOB” experiences are natural states of bio-spiritual evolution that occur automatically through natural activation of DNA Strand Templates 4-5-6. The inorganic state of Shadow Body Projection, which has been a problem for earth life forms since 25,500 BC, occurs when the consciousness becomes ensnared in the artificially created Radial Body NET and is transferred into the Shadow Body reverse-coded template and its reversed artificial Radial Body electro-static field. Once ensnared in the Shadow Body field, 2/3 of the D-3 Mental Body consciousness is transferred into the Phantom matrix black hole system via the Density-1 Void and NET.  The remaining 1/3 of the D-3 Ego remains stuck in the higher frequency bands of the D-3 Mental Plane, unable to expand into natural higher-dimensional projection, experiencing fragmented

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탄트리오라 티칭(TTA)

얼쓰싱크와 크리스트-쉬프트(Kryst-Shift)

When a planet has chosen to engage a Planetary Kryst-Shift, it is important that the consciousness/life-field inhabiting the Kryst-Shifting Planet can remain in balance/frequency-harmony with the planetary rhythms, so they may progressively Kryst-Shift in frequency/encryption co-resonance with the Kryst-Shift Planet.

탄트리오라 티칭(TTA)

Cosmos is Watching

Cosmos is Watching -3

Enough is Enough, Eye of Lila, Impeccability.

릴라의 눈, 완전무결함

RECENT / 최근 글

탐구 Essay

RetUrn to Amenti : 진정한 인간의 길

1998년 아멘티 클래스 워크샵. 티칭의 첫 공식 워크샵이라고 할 수 있는 이 워크샵에서 이에샤는 “1986년경 가디언이 굉장히 흥분해서.. “언약의 전광 불꽃이 붙었어요..언약의 전광이 개방되었어요”라고 했다며..근데

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Love & Spiritual Responsibility

When we‘re learning the lessons of love, some of the most important things are being able to approach love from the way where you get what you want out of it. The way you get what you want out of it is BEING IT. As long as you look at- look FOR love- you‘re telling yourself, I don‘t have it. you are creating the lack of love.

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탐구 Essay

자기 구원을 거짓-신들에게 맡긴 대가.

당신이 창조한 것에 대한 스스로의 책임을 인식할수록, 당신은 강력해 집니다.

다른 사람을 비난하면서 책임을 전가한다면

당신은 당신의 창조를 고치고 바로잡을 힘을 잃습니다.

그러나 당신이 그 현현에서 당신이 창조한 요소를 인식할 때,

내가 창조했기(create) 때문에 내가 없앨 수(de-create)도 있음을 깨닫습니다.

그리고 더 나은 것을 창조할 줄 알게 됩니다.

즉, 당신은 당신의 힘을 “소유”하는(되찾는) 것입니다.

(you are owning your power) “

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