Voyagers Korea

신성한 과학티칭, 오리지날 템플라(The Teachings of the Divine Science, the Original Templar..)

The Teachings of the Divine Science, the Original Templar, Anunnaki Resistance and Templar-Annu Distortions of the Templar Teachings and the Guardians’ Awakening Agenda

신성한 과학 티칭, 오리지널 템플라, 아눈나키 저항,

템플라-아누에 의한 템플라 티칭 왜곡과

가디언들의 어웨이크닝 아젠다


*Excerpt: Voyagers 2: 64-67p by Ashayana Deane. Guardian Materials


Originally the teaching of ascension were quite scientific in nature, dealing with the reality of multidimensional physics. The original information brought to the races of the Third Seeding represented the teachings of the Science of Keylonta, the underlying energetic mechanisms through which reality is created and the processes through which consciousness evolves.

본래 상승 티칭은 다차원 물리학의 실재를 다루는 매우 과학적인 것이었다. 삼차 씨딩 인류에게 전달된 티칭은 킬론타 과학이었다. 킬론타 과학은 현실이 창조되는 근원적인 에너지 역학과 의식의 진화과정을 다룬다.

The early Atlantean cultures had full access to this information, and until the Templar-Annu distorted the teachings in order to control the populations, the science of ascension and multidimensional mechanics was publicly taught as a primary belief model around which societies were structured. The teachings were given to all of the races throughout the globe, not just those of Egypt and Atlantis.

템플라-아눈나키가 인간대중을 통제하기 위해 티칭을 왜곡하기 전, 아틀란티스 초기 문화는 이 정보에 완전히 접근해 있었다. 상승 과학과 다차원 역학을 중심으로 사회가 구성되었고 주요 신념 모델로서 공개적으로 가르쳐졌다. 티칭은 이집트와 아틀란티스 만이 아닌, 지구 전역에 있는 모든 종족에게 주어졌다.

Over time, and through the oppression of the Templar-Annu and later control-oriented political groups, the true teachings were distorted or destroyed as they gave the common person power over their personal destiny. People who are empowered cannot be controlled or manipulated by outside authorities and so the tool of empowerment, knowledge, was taken away from the masses so the few elite could hold them under their power.

시간이 흐르면서 템플라-아누가 통제-중심의 정치 집단들을 만들며 사회를 억압했다. 진정한 티칭은 왜곡되었고 파괴되었다. 티칭이 사람들에게 개인의 운명을 지휘하는 내면의 힘을 주기 때문이었다. 내면의 힘이 강화된 사람들은 외부의 권위에 의해 통제되거나 조정되지 않기 때문이었다. 대중들은 내적인 힘을 일깨우는 지식과 도구를 빼앗겼다. 소수 엘리트가 지식과 도구를 그들의 파워 하에 두었다.

What remains today of the ascension teachings is hardly an introduction to the true science as it was once applied on Earth. Portions of the teachings survived through the mystical schools of the ages, kept under strict secrecy, as the politically controlling factions of various time periods persecuted those who attempted to bring the truth to the populations.

오늘날 남아있는 상승 티칭은 오래전, 지구에 전달되었던 진정한 과학의 입문 수준 조차 되지 않는다. 다양한 시기, 정치적 통제 분파들이 대중에게 이 진리를 전달하려는 사람들을 박해했다. 티칭의 극히 일부만이 오랜 신비학교들을 통해 살아남았고 엄격한 비밀로 유지되었다.

Even today this persecution exists (though usually in more covert form), much of it within the traditional religious organizations whose teachings have been highly distorted in order to keep people powerless and subservient to religious authority figures.

오늘날에도 박해는 보다 은밀한 형태로 여전히 존재한다. 전통적인 종교의 티칭은 사람들을 무력하게 만들고 종교적 권위자들에 종속시키기 위해 고도로 왜곡되었다.

The science of ascension was withheld from the masses but the promise of ascension was used to manipulate people into supporting and obeying the authorities who claimed that ascension could be accomplished only through blind belief and adherence to their politically motivated creed.

상승의 과학은 대중들에게 금지되었다. 상승에 대한 약속은, 정치, 종교 권위자들을 지지하고 복종하도록 사람들을 조종하는데 이용되었다. 이들은 정치적 종교 교리에 대한 맹목적인 믿음과 집착을 통해서 상승이 이루어질 수 있다고 가르쳤다.

The original teachings were intended for everyone, not just to serve the objective of a power elite. Though certain groups were appointed with guardianship of the Sphere of Amenti and the Arc of Covenant, they were not intended to horde this power and knowledge for themselves, but this is precisely what occurred throughout various periods of Earth’s history.

본래의 티칭은 모든 사람들을 위한 것이다. 소수의 파워 엘리트의 목적에 봉사하는 것이 아니다. 비록  특정 그룹들이 아멘티 구체와 언약의 궤를 보호하는 가디언으로 지명되지만 그들은 자신들을 위해 이 파워와 지식을 이용하지 않는다. 그러나 소수의 엘리트를 위해 티칭이 왜곡되고 이용된 것, 바로 이것이 지구의 역사 전반에 걸쳐 일어난 일이었다.

The guardian races of 22,326 BC knew it would be a challenge to prepare the masses for the Ascension Cycle of 196 BC – 4230 AD, but they had not originally planned for the disruptions caused by the Templar-Annu and their Anunnaki Resistance allies.

기원전 196년에서 서기 4230년은 상승이 일어나는 거대한 주기이다.  그러나 기원전 22,326년, 가디언 종족은 이 시기의 상승 사이클에 대비해 인간 대중을 준비시키는 일이 상당한 도전이 될 것을 알았다. 템플라-아눈나키와 아눈나키 저항 동맹군들은 상당한 혼란을 일으켰다.

Through the manipulation of Aunnaki Resistance and the Templar Annu, following the Atlantean explosion of 28,000 BC, preparing the races for the morphogenetic wave of 2017 AD became a very difficult task, as the teachings that would allow this preparations to go smoothly were lost, manipulated, distorted or destroyed, and as time went on, the majority of humans did not have access to this information.

기원전 28,000년, 아틀란티스 대폭발에 일어났다. 아눈나키 저항세력과 템플라-아누는 인간 대중을 억압하고 통제했다. 서기 2017년 상승 파동에 대비해 인류를 준비시키는 일은 대단히 어려운 과제가 되었다. 상승파동을 탈 수 있도록 인간의식을 준비시켜줄 티칭이 조작되고 왜곡되고 파괴되었기 때문이었다. 시간이 흐르며 대다수 인간 대중이 이 정보에 접근 할 수 없게 되었기 때문이었다.

Throughout the development of human culture since 28,000 BC the covert influence of the Anunnaki Resistance and that of the Templar-Annu proceeded to contaminate human consciousness with the elitist, controlling creed initially developed by the Templar Solar Initiates of Tara.

기원전 28,000년 이래 아눈나키 저항세력과 템플라-아누는 인간 문화의 발전에 은밀하게 개입하며 지속적인 영향을 끼쳤다. 이들은 인간의 의식을 엘리트주의와 통제 신조로 오염시켰다. 엘리트주의와 통제 신조는 타라행성의 템플라 솔라 회원단들에 의해 시작된 것이었다.

The original Templar of Tara was a sacred organizations devoted to upholding the Law of One. The Taran Turaneusiam races were gifted, by the Sirian Council, with the power and knowledge of the Templar in order to serve as guardians of the Taran planetary grid. They had the awesome responsibility of ensuring that Tara’s energetic systems remained balanced, and that Tara and the Turaneusiam races, stayed upon their course of evolution into the HU-3 planetary grid of Gaia. Due to the corruption of the Taran Templar Solar Initiates, orchestrated by the Anunnaki factions of the HU-2 Sirius star system who were rebelling against the Sirian Council, the truth and sacred science of the Templar was, for a time, lost on Tara.

본래 타라 행성의 템플라는 ‘하나임의 법칙(Law of One)’을 수호하는 신성한 조직이었다. 타라의 튜라니지엄 종족은 시리안 위원회로부터 타라 행성 그리드의 가디언으로 임명되었고, 가디언으로  봉사하기 위한 템플라 지식과 파워를 선물받았다. 타라의 템플라 솔라 회원단은 타라의 에너지 시스템의 균형을 유지하는 막중한 책임을 맡았다. 타라와 튜라니지엄 종족이 조화우주-3 가이아 행성으로 진화를 지속하도록 돕는 막중한 책임이 있었다. 그러나 시리안 위원회에 반항하는 조화우주-2 시리우스 스타 시스템의 아눈나키 분파들이 타라의 템플라 솔라 회원단을 계획적으로 타락시켰다. 진리와 템플라의 신성한 과학은 타라에서 특정 시기동안, 사라졌다.

And because of this distortion and intentional Anunnaki resistance manipulation on Earth, the Templar teachings provided to the Earth races became tainted with lies and distortions, progressively leading human culture into an elisitst, materialistic, dualistic perception of reality That perception has formed the underlying belief-base upon which culture was organized, and is still apparent within most of the cultures of present day Earth.  

아눈나키 저항세력의 의도적인 조작과 왜곡으로 인해, 지구의 템플라 티칭은 거짓으로 오염되었다. 점차 인간 문화를 엘리트주의, 물질주의, 현실에 대한 이원론적 인식으로 이끌어갔다. 이러한 인식은 지구 문화와 신념의 토대를 형성했다. 대부분의 지구  문화가운데 선명히 존재하고 있다. 

The original Templar creed taught Unity Consciousness and love, cooperation and respect toward all other life forms. It did not appoint some groups as being godly and others as evil; it taught of the necessity for equality between peoples and genders and the need to heal and integrate all aspects of society.

본래의 템플라 신조는 연합-의식(Unity Consciousness), 모든 생명체를 향한 사랑, 협력과 존경을 가르쳤다. 어떤 그룹은 신적인 존재들로, 어떤 그룹은 악으로 지명하지 않았다. 사람들간, 성별간 평등의 필요성을 가르쳤다. 치유의 필요성과 사회 모든 측면의 통합을 가르쳤다. 

The original Templar teachings promoted kindness, gentleness, tolerance and power through comprehension of sacred energy mechanics and consciousness embodiment of the God-force. They did not teach that God was a male authority figure who passed judgement upon sinful, inferior humans.

본디 템플라 티칭은 신성한 에너지 역학에 대한 깊은 이해와 신의 힘을 구현하는 것을 가르침으로, 인간 내면의 신성, 친절, 관대함과 인내, 파워를 일깨웠다. 죄많고 열등한 인간들을 정죄하는 남성 권위자로 신을 묘사하거나 가르치지 않았다.

They did not teach that the male gender was formed in the image of God and the female was a lesser part extracted through the godly male to hold a position of subservience to men. The original Templar creed did not endorse the exploitation of the planet, animal and mineral kingdoms for the purpose of personal sustenance and materialistic gain, it taught respect and reverence for all life.

원래의 티칭은, 여성을 남성들에게 종속시키기 위해, 남성은 신의 형상으로 만들어졌고 여성은 신적 남성에게서 추출한 열등한 부분이라고 가르치지 않았다. 원래의 템플라 신조는 개인의 생계와 물질적 이득을 목적으로 행성과 동물, 광물 왕국을 착취하는 것을 지지하지 않았다.티칭은 모든 생명에 대한 존경과 경외를 가르쳤다. 

The original Templar did not teach of “good and evil” ; it taught that evil deeds were the result of ignorance to the true structure of the universe, and that evil was cured by education through the Law of One. It taught that peoples were created to be free, and in that freedom should be taught how to become co-creators with the God-force. It taught that every being in the universe was an individual face and expression of God, and that brotherhood was simply the rational result of this comprehension.

템플라는 “선과 악”을 가르치지 않았다. 악한 행동은 우주의 진정한 구조에 대한 무지의 결과라는 것과, 악은 “하나임의 법칙”을 교육함으로서 치유될 수 있다고 가르쳤다. 모든 사람들은 자유로운 존재로 창조되었으며 그 자유 안에서 신의-힘과 공동-창조자가 되는 법을 배워야 한다고 가르쳤다. 우주의 모든 존재들은 신의 개체화 된 얼굴이자 표현으로서 형제애란 이러한 이해를 통해 나오는 합리적이고 당연한 결과임을 가르쳤다.

Literally all of the elitist, sexist, materialistic distortions to the true Laws of the Templar were perpetrated through the influence of the Anunnaki Resistance, some of their ET co-conspirators and the Templar-Annu Resistance loyalists lineage who became their earthly operatives. The distorted Templar creeds motivated everything from the Holy Wars throughout history to the structures upon which economic, political and social organization has been built.

템플라의 진정한 법칙에 대한 엘리트주의, 성차별주의, 물질주의적 왜곡이 자행되었다. 이는 아눈나키 저항세력과 그들의 외계 공범들, 지상 운영팀인 템플라-아누 저항세력의 충성 계보들에 의해 자행된 것이었다. 왜곡된 템플라 신조는 전쟁에서부터, 경제, 정치, 사회, 문화, 교육, 모든 구조에 이르기까지 근본적인 토대로 작용했다.  

The creed of the Templar-Annu spread far and wide, and has colored the mores of literally every human culture on Earth since the time of the Third Seeding. The Templar distortions have evolved into a massive program, which has repressed the majority for the benefit of the few, and has caused humanity to lose comprehension of its divine source and the true potentials of its evolutionary heritage. This creed has been a poison to human society, and the pain, disease, war, competition, hatred and violence that have colored the human condition throughout history and into the present, are clear illustrations of just how powerfully these distortions of truth have affected you. 

It would help all of you to realize that these creeds were given to you and promoted by ET forces who set themselves up as surrogate gods, so human evolution would remain under their control for the purpose of exploitation. True spirituality lives within, and it is through that inner truth that you will be able to separate the chaff from the grain in regard to your spiritual and physical evolution. In contemporary society there are groups of souls now being born who have been commissioned by the Palaidorians, Elohim, Ra Confederacy and Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds, to bring the original teachings of the Templar back into your civilizations. They will bring back to the Earth the truth of the Law of One and the knowledge of sacred science through which that Law can be actively applied.

삼차 인류 씨딩 이래, 템플라-아누 신조는 광범위하게 퍼져 나갔다. 지구상 모든 문화 관습들에 영향을 끼쳤다. 템플라 왜곡은 대규모 프로그램으로 진화했습니다. 소수의 이득을 위해 다수를 억압했다. 인류는 신성한 근원에 관한 이해와 인류의 진화적 유산을 지속적으로 상실했다. 이 신조는 인간 사회의 독이었다. 인간 조건이 되어온 고통, 질병, 전쟁, 경쟁, 증오와 폭력은, 진리에 대한 이러한 왜곡이 여러분에게 얼마나 막강한 영향을 끼쳐왔는가를 선명히 보여주고 있다. 왜곡된 신조들은, 인간 진화를 그들의 통제 하에 두고 착취하기 위해, 스스로를 신들로 설정한 외계 세력(ET forces)들에 의해 여러분에게 주어지고 고취된 것들이었다.

진정한 영성은 내면에 있다. 당신의 영성과 진화와 관련해 가치있는 것과 아닌 것을 분별할 수 있는 것은 오직 내면의 진리를 통해서이다. 템플라의 원래 티칭을 인류문명에 다시 가져오기 위해 팔레이도리안, 엘로힘, 라 연맹과 자유세계 차원간 연합으로부터 위임받은 영혼 그룹들이 현대 사회에 태어나기 시작했다. 그들은 “하나임의 법칙(Law of One)”의 진리와 그 법이 온전히 적용될 수 있는 신성한 과학의 상승 지식을 지구에 다시 가져오게 될 것이다.

Many traditional persuasions will attempt to promote the new teachings as evil or to otherwise discredit them, precisely because restoration of the truth of multidimensional reality, which these organizations have for long attempted to hide, will be the downfall of these institutions. Once humanity becomes aware of the Law of One and the Unity Consciousness created through its practice, control organizations will no longer be able to blindly lead the people, for the people will choose freedom and knowledge over ideological imprisonment. 

And they will choose love, equality and a personal relationship with the creative force over judgement, devaluation, hatred, fear, subservience and blind worship of self-promoting outside authority figures. This evolution of self-concept and re-definition of reality will take time, but through this process humanity will progressively grow to become free, and through its freedom will come to understand its co-creative relationship with the divine.

많은 전통 신념들은 이 새로운 티칭을 악한 것으로 선전하거나 불신하도록 만들 것이다. 오랫동안 이 조직들이 숨기기 위해 노력해 온 다차원 실재의 진리를 회복하는 것은 곧 이들 기관들의 몰락이 될 것이기 때문이다. 인류가 하나임의 법칙과 그 법의 실천을 통해 형성되는 연합-의식(Unity Consciousness)을 인식하게 되면, 사람들은 사상적 감옥이 아닌, 자유와 지식을 선택할 것이다. 통제 조직들은 더 이상 맹목적으로 사람들을 이끌지 못하게 될 것이다. 사람들은 판단, 증오, 두려움, 복종, 자기를 내세우는 외부 권위를 향한 맹목적 숭배가 아닌, 사랑과 평등, 창조적 힘과의 개인적 관계를 선택할 것이다. 자아에 대한 새로운 인식과 진정한 현실에 대해 눈을 뜨는 것은 시간이 걸릴 것이다 그러나 이 과정을 통해 인류는 보다 자유롭게 성장할 것이고 자유를 통해 신성과의 공동-창조 관계를 이해하게 될 것이다.

When the guardian races of 22,326 BC planned the preparation of the races for their 2017 AD awakening, they had not realized the extent to which these manipulations would distort the evolution of human culture, nor the degree to which the races would digress under this influence. Despite the often disheartening setbacks, the guardian races of the higher Harmonic Universes remained loyal to their cause of seeing the Covenant of Palaidor, and the evolution of the races, reach fulfillment. 

They have assisted, and still do, along every steps of the way, helping humanity to awaken to its relationship with the divine creative Source. After defeating the Anunnaki Resistance attack of 10,500 BC, and assisting the races of Egypt to rebuild their cultures, the Sirian Council and guardian allies of humanity continued to visit and assist the evolving cultures, serving as a counter-balance to the Anunnaki Resistance and Templar-Annu forces that continued to assert their influence on Earth.

기원전 22,326년 가디언 종족들이 서기 2017년 각성의 때를 대비한 인류의 준비를 계획했을 때, 가디언들은 이러한 조작들이 어느 정도로 인간의진화를 왜곡할 수 있는지, 인류가 어느 정도까지 퇴행할 수 있는지 깨닫지 못했다. 그러나 수많은 어려움들에도 불구하고, 고차원 조화우주의 가디언 종족들은 팔레이도어 규약과 인류의 진화가 실현되는 것을 보려는 그들의 이상(cause)을 포기하지 않았다. 그들은 인류가 신성한 창조 근원과의 관계를 자각하도록 돕고 있다. 인류 진화과정의 매 발걸음을 보조해 왔으며 지금도 보조하고 있다. 기원전 10,500년, 시리안 위원회와 가디언 동맹들은 아눈나키 저항세력의 공격을 물리치고 이집트 종족의 문화 재건을 도왔다. 또한 지구상에 그들의 영향력을 계속 주장하는 아눈나키 저항세력과 템플라-아누 세력에 대응하면서 진화하는 문화들을 방문하고 보조하는 일을 지속해왔다. 

The new teleport station of the rebuilt pyramid of Giza, now aligned with the energetic systems of Alcyone and the Pleiades, offered swift guardian intervention and protection of Earth and easy access to Earth visitation. Until about 11,500 years ago (9,500 BC), humanity enjoyed the benefits of open relationship with advanced ET cultures. This open relationship ended in 9,500 BC, through an event created at the hands of the Atlantean Templar-Annu. Following this event, human culture would enter a long period of digression, as the planet was placed under intergalactic quarantine and the previous powers of advanced civilization were lost. 

This event of 9,500 BC was the first of several major setbacks the guardians encountered as they attempted to prepare the races for the opening of the Halls of Amenti and the mass ascension cycle of 196 BC- 4230 AD. Preparing the races would be no easy task while the Templar-Annu and their Resistance allies exerted forceful influence over the developing human cultures. Many struggles and hardships would be encountered as the power struggle between the HU-2 races who upheld the Law of One and those who placed self-promotion above universal balance, was played out through the evolution of humanity on Earth. Through the evolution of freedom, co-creative endeavor and unity consciousness that power struggle will one day come to an end, and peace will be restored to the races of the Third Seeding.

재건설된 새로운 순간이동 정거장(teleport station) 기자 피라미드는 이제 알씨온과 플레이아데스의 에너지 시스템과 정렬되었다. 이로써 가디언의 신속한 개입과 지구 보호, 지구 방문을 위한 쉬운 접근이 가능해졌다. 기원전 9,500 BC에 이르는 약 11,500년 전까지 인류는 진보한 외계 문화들과 개방된 관계에서 오는 혜택을 누렸다. 그러나 이 개방 관계는 기원전 9,500년에  아틀란티스 템플라-아누에 의해 일어난 사건으로  종결되었다. 이 사건 이후 지구 행성은 은하간 격리상태에 놓여졌다. 진보한 문명의 힘을 상실했다. 인간 문화는 장기간의 퇴행으로 접어들었다.

기원전 9,500년 사건은, 아멘티 홀 개방과 196 BC-4230 AD의 대규모 상승 주기를 위해 인류를 준비시켜야 하는 가디언들이 직면하게 될 여러 난관들의 시작일 뿐이었다. 템플라-아누와 저항 동맹군들이 인간 문화에 강력한 영향력을 행사하는 과정에서, 인류를 준비시키는 것은 쉬운 일이 아닐 것이다. ‘하나임의 법칙’을 수호하는 조화우주-2 종족들과, 우주적 균형보다 자기-선전을 더 중요시 하는 존재들과의 격전이 지구 인류 진화 가운데 전개됨에 따라 많은 투쟁과 고난이 일어날 것이다. 자유의 진화와 공동-창조의 노력, 연합 의식을 통해, 투쟁이 종식될 날이 올 것이며 삼차 씨딩 종족 가운데 평화는 회복될 것이다.

*Excerpt: Voyagers 2: 64-67p by Ashayana Deane

*Korean Translation: Ari Rishi


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