Voyagers Korea

The Journey to the Eff-i-yah State

“The Journey to the Eff-i-yah State, TrhU You & The Silent Symphony”-

Triptec Power-Phase Deep Journey Compound Technique-1

KDDL-2+ ShiftMasters – 2 intro

Transmitted from the Eff-i-yah A-rhA’-yah Al-Hum-Bhra Councils

– 4/16/2015 – 5/12/2015;

Translated by AMCC-MCEO-GA Speaker-1 E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas

Free Technique: 

한글번역 및 영상자막 바로가기-트루아스쿨 


Guardian Materials. Copyright © ARhAyas Productions LLC

PART-1: The “Tunnel of Remembrance” & the “Shield of Lila” Doorway

1.Imagine that there is a circular tunnel approximately the diameter of an orange, growing forward out of your forehead; close your eyes and see a small point of light at the end of the tunnel, about 12 inches out in front of your 3″ Eye/ Chakra-6. Sense the tunnel there connecting your 3″ Eye/Chakra-6 to a place in time, in a different space-time location. This is your Tunnel of Remembrance.

2. We’re going to begin the process of TrhU’-ah Projection to a different space-time location that exists within the domains of the Eff-i-yah. Relax,…. slow your breathing, and focus your attention on your Tunnel of Remembrance; FEEL the sensation of the circular tunnel extending from your forehead, and just breathe gently and easily. If any images come up, just let them go by, and focus on the point of light at the end of your tunnel, about 12 inches away from your forehead out in front of you.

3. Now, about 6 inches in front of you, at the “half-way point” in your Tunnel of Remembrance, call to mind the Shield of Lila Code and see it standing vertically in the space halfway between where you are and the light at the end of your tunnel.

4. Notice that the Shield of Lila Code is spinning slowly on its vertical axis, in a clockwise motion; sense its movement as it spins. Now use your attention to gently slow down the clock-wise spin of the Shield of Lila Code; intend and observe that it is spinning slower and slower, until it engages stop-point where it stops spinning completely, and is just standing there facing you, as a Doorway, at the half-way point in your tunnel. This is the “Shield o fLila Doorway” in your Tunnel of Remembrance.

5. Breathe gently and easily, and now mentally direct the Shield of Lila Doorway to spin slowly counter-clockwise. Observe it spinning slowly counter-clockwise, and as you do, SENSE that of a portion of your TrhU’-ah Body quantum being drawn out of your physical body and into your Tunnel of Remembrance, to a space directly in front of the counter-clockwise spinning Shield of Lila Doorway. FEEL the counter-clockwise spin drawing more quantum of your TrhU’-ah Body into this space in front of the Shield of Lila Doorway.

6. At a certain point, the Shield of Lila Doorway spin-speed will increase to a little bit faster as it pulls a sufficient amount of TrhU’-ah Body quantum out of your physical body and into the Tunnel of Remembrance. When sufficient TrhU’-ah Body quantum is drawn, a gentle “Pop” sensation will occur, at which you will feel a part of your quantum “popping” into a “Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body” form that is standing immediately in front of the Shield of Lila Doorway. Notice that your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body is about half of the size of the Shield of Lila Doorway.

At the “Pop Point’ the Shield of Lila Doorway will stop spinning and it will just stand in front of you, with your “Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body” standing in front of it, within your Tunnel of Remembrance.

7. Now reach out your right hand in your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body and feel the front of the Shield of Lila Doorway, as if you’re petting it. You’ll sense a tingling sensation, as there is a forcefield radiating from the Lila Shield Doorway. As you’re petting the outside of the Lila Shield Doorway, while in your Tunnel of Remembrance, move your right hand into the Lila Shield Doorway, gently pushing your hand little way in, and FEEL the sensation of moving your hand through the Shield of Lila forcefield.

8. SENSE the Lila Shield Doorway force field also in your physical body. Reach out your right hand in your physical body and feel the front of the Shield of Lila Doorway as if it is physically in front of you also. Begin to FEEL in your physical hand a “sloshing sensation” of the TrhU’-ah Body quantum that is still in the physical body, as it is responding to the frequencies that are emanating from the forcefield in the Lila Shield Doorway.

9. Now…. remember, that beyond the Shield of Lila Doorway, down at the end of your Tunnel of Remembrance, there is a point of light that you will be moving toward, and that this point of light is the next destination in our journey to a different space-time location.

10. Once you can sense the “sloshing sensation” inside of your physical skin on your right hand, take your physical and TrhU’-ah Body hands out of the Lila Shield Doorway, and prepare to step through the Lila Shield Doorway with your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body; the Lila Shield Doorway is a “Doorway through Space-Time”.

11. Before you step through the Lila Shield Doorway, in your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body put both palms up against the outside of the Lila Shield Doorway and FEEL the tingling sensation in the palms, both in the Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body and physical body palms. When you feel or sense the tingling sensation in your palms, gently push both of your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body hands into the Lila Shield Doorway, using your hands to “spread open the force field”, as if you were “spreading open a pair of curtains”, one panel pushed back to the left side of the doorway, and one panel pushed back to the right.

12. Once you have “parted the curtain” of the force field, step through the Shield of Lila Doorway with your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body. Sense in your physical body and your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body what this sensation feels like as you move past the force field curtain and into the Lila Shield Doorway. You may hear a sound like wind, and feel a sensation of a breeze brushing past your skin.

13. With your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Bodyinside of the Shield of Lila Doorway, SENSE the opening of the doorway you just passed through behind your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body. FEEL yourself firmly standing “on the inside” of the Lila Shield Doorway, facing the point of light that is in front of you at the “far end” of your Tunnel of Remembrance, with the back of your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body toward the Lila Shield Doorway that you passed through.

PART-2: The “Road to Remembrance” and the “Doorway of Discovery”

14. Now, looking forward toward the point of light at the end of the Tunnel of Remembrance, NOTICE that directly in front of you there is a line of white light that looks like a road of white light extending from your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body feet to the light at the end of your Tunnel of Remembrance. This “white light road” is your “Road to Remembrance”. |n your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body, walk along your Road to Remembrance, keeping focus on the point of light at the end of your Tunnel of Remembrance, toward which you are walking.

As you walk forward on your white light Road to Remembrance notice that the point of light at the end of your Tunnel of Remembrance is getting larger and larger as you approach it; the point of light has now become a large circular doorway of white light that you are walking toward; this is your “Doorway of Discovery”.  As you approach the circular white light Doorway of Discovery, SENSE the presence of the frequencies emanating from this white-light space. FEEL the white-light emanations ripple through your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body, the white light moving around and through you like a silken soft caress.

15. When you reach the end of the road of white light, your Road to Remembrance, and you are standing right in front of the large circular white-light Doorway of Discovery, stand in this doorway of white light for a moment FEELING its emanations moving through you, and allow your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body eyes to adjust to the brilliance and brightness of the white-light emanations.

Beyond the Doorway of Discovery white-light emanations is the next destination in our Journey to the Eff-i-yah State. Once your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body adjusts to the emanating frequencies, the brightness of the white light will tone down and you will start to regain clear Mini-Me TrhU’ah Body vision.

16. As your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Vision clears, remember that you are now at the end of your Tunnel of Remembrance, and observe that the Doorway of Discovery you are standing in is a great doorway, like the “mouth of a massive cave,” that looks out over a beautiful vista far down below it, …a vista you will soon pass through in your Journey to the Eff-i-yah State. Look around you for a moment and NOTICE that in the vista unfolding in front of you beyond the Doorway of Discovery, it is a daylight scene, and there are rolling hills with green grass, and a joyful blue sky.

PART-3: The Pod-building and the Time-Benders Meeting of the Eternal Eff-i-yah Councils

17. As you stand in the Doorway of Discovery in your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body, look out over the vista of rolling hills, green grass, and blue sky that expands in front of you, as if you are standing in the mouth of a very high cave and looking down on a scene in a valley below.

Notice that in the vista down below there is a large, white “pod-shaped” building. There is a “Standing-Now-Time” meeting taking place in the Pod-building and you are invited to attend. It is a Time-Benders Meeting of the Eff-i-yah Councils.

18. In your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body, imagine now… that you are just stepping out of the Doorway of Discovery at the end of your Tunnel of Remembrance,…stepping into the air; notice that the “air supports you” and your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body does not fall downward.

Intend yourself gently downward to “float in the air” just above the Pod-building; you are still in “physical shape Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body form”. Slowly “breathe yourself downward” toward the Pod-building, using each exhale breath to move, and each inhale breath to stop-movement, to gain control of your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah body “airborne mobility”.

19. Once you have “breathed yourself down” and are “floating in the air just above the Pod-building”, notice that there is a small opening in the center-point tip of the Pod-building.

20. Now “breathe yourself downward, into and through”the center-pointtip opening of the Podbuilding. As you begin passing throughthe center-pointtip of the Pod-building, NOTICE that a currentof invisible energy begins to gently “draw you downwara’”,like a “tractor beam”; this “tractor beam energy stream” will take you down into the Pod-building, to a Central Greeting Area.

21. Once you have landed in the Central Greeting Area room of the Pod-building, OBSERVE that there are 3 Arch-shaped Doorways in front of you, and you can choose whichever one you prefer to go through first. (In “repeat visits” you can choose & explore the other 2 doorways not chosen in this 1* exploration). Whichever of the 3 Arch-shaped Doorways you choose to go through on this Journey visit, you will meet a Greeter there,….a Greeter Collective of one of the 3 Eff-i-yah Time Benders Councils.

As you select your Arched-doorway of choice, notice which of the 3 Arched-doorways you are most immediately drawn to. When facing the 3 Arched-doorways.,… is it the Arced-door on your right,… the Arched-door on your left, ….or the Arched-door in the center… toward which you feel most compelled. Make a mental note of this choice for future reference.

22. Once you have sensed your Arched-doorway of choice, walk your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body toward then through this Arched-doorway. NOTICE that as soon as you pass through your Arched doorway of choice, suddenly, another vision-scape opens in front of and all around you; this place opens into another space-time location. In this new space-time location, form as we know it is no longer present; this place is a field of gently moving, beautifully colored waves of frequency, waves of consciousness. The waves of consciousness are the eternal identity and form of the Eff-i-yah Eternal Conscious standing-wave fields.

As you move through your Arched-doorwayof choice, you are now meeting the Greeter Collective conscious wave-field of one of the 3 Eff-i-yah Time Benders Councils.

PART-4: Your TrhU You Expression, Your 1TrhU Memory & the Eff-i-yah State

23. After passing through your Arched-doorway of choice, as your stand in your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body amidst the Eff-i-yah Greeter Collective conscious wave-field, imagine Now….that you are gently dissolving the form of your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body, returning it to its organic state as an eternal TrhU’-ah Wave of consciousness.

FEEL your Mini-Me TrhU’-ah Body “shape-shifting” gently and easily, to become a formless, silken wave of conscious energy, with beautiful colors undulating through you and AS you. KNOW yourself in this organic form of conscious silken wave; this your Eternal-Authentik TrhU’ah form. This is your original “TrhU You” conscious-silken-wave form.

Breathe slowly and gently, and FEEL the KNOWING of your eternal TrhU You form. FEEL….the lightness, the weightlessness, the limitlessness and the FREEDOM of your TrhU You form. REMEMBER yourself AS your eternal, limitless, FREE TrhU You identity, the Eternal-Authentik original form of your individuated, “uniquely you” identity.

24. AS your TrhU You silken-wave, intend motion and guide yourself upward and into the massive, undulating standing-wavefield of the Eff-i-yah conscious wave-field. Join the “Eternal Meeting of the Minds, Hearts & Spirits” of the Eff-i-yah, Eternal Guardians and embodiments of EFFI (the Eternal First Field Intelligence).

25. Allow your TrhU You silken wave of consciousness to “Flow into the field of Eff-i-yah”; to re-enter the eternal Eff-i-yah State through which your identity originally first passed on its way into individuated manifest incarnation. Your “LONE HARMONIC ”TrhU You unique encryption will retain your full individuation as you “engage the eternal FLOW” with the Eff-i-yah wave-field, just as the Eff-i-yah’s individuation is eternally sustained by the unique “Lone Harmonic TrhU encryption” that each of their members carry.

Breathe slowly and gently, and EXPERIENCE YOURSELF AS… your eternal, limitless, FREE TrhU You identity. …..FEEL the eternal FAMILIARITY that your TrhU You SENSES within the reality of the Effi-yah eternal conscious standing-wavefield……REMEMBER…..your Original Sensation when you first passed through the Eff-i-yah State on your way into 1st individuated manifest incarnation; this is your 1* TrhU Memory of individuated identity.

Your 1° TrhU Memory ALWAYS exists as an indelible uniquely-yours eternal encryption held both within your personal TrhU’-ah Plasma Body Template, and within the eternal Eff-i-yah conscious standing-wavefields. Gently reach for the FEELING of your 1° TrhU Memory; gently intend the awakening of your 1* TrhU Memory….NOW.

REMEMBER yourself AS your eternal, limitless, FREE TrhU You, the Eternal-Authentik original form of your individuated, “uniquely you” identity. Expand and FLOW your TrhU You silken wave of consciousness into the eternal Eff-i-yah conscious standing-wavefield, awakening your 1~ TrhU Memory to re-enter the eternal State of Eff-i-yah.

PART-5: Re-TUNE to the Eternal FLOW, Eternal Family & YOUR TrhU Place in Eternity

26. As you FLOW your TrhU You silken wave of consciousness into the Eff-i-yah Wave Field,…FEEL the “reality and presence” of the Eff-i-yah eternal standing-wave consciousness. Sense the Eternal Knowledge held by the Eff-i-yah, and the Eternal Wisdom that they carry.

Allow the Eternal Absolute Love/LUV that the Eff-i-yah embody to FLOW to you and through you….FEEL the FLOW of the eternal belonging, safety and protection the Eternal Absolute Love/LUV field emanates, and SENSE the HEALING and Release of ALL Suffering that the Eff-iyah Eternal Absolute Love/LUV field provides.

The Eff-i-yah field of Eternal Absolute Love/LUV, Protection, Knowledge and Wisdom… is ALWAYSHERE…..perpetually existing….held always by the Eternal Eff-i-Yah conscious, living standing-wavefields.

This state of eternal reality, the Eff-i-yah State, is your TrhU Birthright and Eternal Heritage, and is ALWAYS with you….it is just a matter of your REMEMBERING that IT is HERE…and CHOOSING to “Tune your focus of attention Toward IT”;…it is just a matter of REMEMBERING to “ReTUNE to the Eternal FLOW”.

27. Now…. “FLOW and EXPAND yourself” AS the “TrhU You silken wave of consciousness” that you ARE, even further into the ever-standing conscious wavefield of the Eff-i-yah. The Eff-i-yah fields are the Eternal TrhU’-ah Families of Eternal Spirit-consciousness through which you first emerged into individuation and manifestation; though you may have forgotten your TrhU Families of Eff-iyah, they will never forget you.

Your Eternal-Authentik Place among the Eff-i-yah conscious wavefields is never forgotten and always “held open”, as it is a “TrhU Place in Eternity” that “only TrhU YOU can fill”. Only TrhU You can fill this place, ….because it is a Place in Eternity that TrhU You yourself created and brought into Being. Your TrhU Place in Eternity came into Being along with your 1° TrhU Memory, you’re your first passage through the Eff-i-yah wavefield into your first cycle of individuation and manifest incarnation.

As your Trhu You consciousness 1* left the Eternal Embrace of Unified UN-dividuation within the EFFI Eternal First Field Intelligence, and passed outward through the eternal Eff-i-yah wavefields, an indelible, unique, vibrational encryption marking your 1% Individuation Point was left within the eternal Eff-i-yah standing-wavefields. This indelible vibrational encryption |S your eternal 1~ TrhU Memory, and your 1*Individuation Point |S your eternal 1TrhU Place in Eternity, the place at which you 1* came into existence as an individual consciousness, the TrhU You silken wave of consciousness… that you eternally…. ARE.

This “TrhU Place in Eternity”….this TrhU You ONLY Place…. of Eternal Absolute Love/LUV, Protection, Knowledge, Wisdom and Eff-i-yah standing-wave TrhU Family… is ALWAYS… HERE…. awaiting your return to its REMEMBERING. It is all simply a “Matter of REMEMBERING”…..and CHOOSING to return your attention to your “TrhU You Place in Eternity”, ….choosing to Remember the Families of Eternal Absolute Love/LUV…from which your TrhU You Eternal Authentik Self originally and organically came. A matter of ….CHOOSING to BE….. TrhU-ly….. YOU and to Re-TUNE to the Eternal FLOW….NOW.


한글번역 및 영상자막 바로가기-트루아스쿨 

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